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작성자 : 관리자작성일 : 2022-05-04
free and
open source
디자인 이미지를 만들 때 꼭 필요한 폰트! 구글 폰트 웹사이트에서 디자인에 유용한 폰트를 골라 소개합니다.

출처: Google Fonts
These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.
This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.
These fonts are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.
This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.

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Black Han Sans
These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.
This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.
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