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게시물 상세
visibility 1796
작성자 : 관리자작성일 : 2016-02-12
Canadian charitable foundation “The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter” has launched an international ideas competition for the redesign of the Babyn Yar site in Kiev in the Ukraine. Dedicated to the memory of the victims of massacres perpetrated during the Second World War, the site will be intended to serve as an ecumenical space of
reconciliation open to the public. It will embody the concepts of humanism, tolerance, democracy and human rights. It should be accessible to everyone, preserve the existing edifices and monuments and respect the landscape. The competition will be followed by an exhibition entitled, ‘Babyn Yar: The Memory Against the Historical Background.”

The competition has received the support of the Union of Architects of Ukraine, from the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and from the Department for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Kiev City State Administration. The UIA has endorsed the competition. 

The registration deadline is 31 March 2016. Olivier Philippe (France) and David Bosshard(Switzerland) will represent the UIA on the jury.

이전글 UIA e-newsletter 2016 vol.02
다음글 UIA e-newsletter 2016 vol.01