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[지역/국제] [UIA_Newsletter]
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작성자 : 관리자작성일 : 2021-08-02

A new Council for the UIA  

The UIA has successfully concluded its first virtual General Assembly and online elections.

UIA는 첫 비대면 총회와 온라인 선거를 성공적으로 마무리했다. 

José-Luis Cortés (Mexico) has been elected President of the UIA for the 2021-2023 period. The new Council, composed of 4 members from each of the  UIA's 5 Regions and 9 Bureau members, held its first session on 30 July during which the newly elected team declared the need to strengthen the role of the Union and make it more accessible to young architects.

José-Luis Cortés가 2021~2023년 UIA의 회장으로 선임되었다. UIA의 5개 지역의 각 4명의 회원들과 9명의 사무국 회원들로 구성된 새 협의회는 7월 30일에 첫 회의를 열었으며 협회의 역할을 강화 시키고 젊은 건축가들이 보다 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 해야 한다고 선언했다. 

A record setting UIA Congress in Rio 

The Rio Congress was a remarkable event testifying to the resilience and optimism of Brazilians. More than 88,000 participants from 188 countries; 20 keynote speakers, more than 540 speakers and 380 articles and projects selected by the Scientific Committee. The result is more than 500 hours of content that will be accessible on the exclusive UIA2021RIO platform up to 2023.

Rio Congress는 브라질 국민들의 회복력과 낙천성을 입증하는 놀라운 행사였다. 과학위원회가 선정한 380개의 기사와 프로젝트, 540명이 넘는 연설자들, 20명의 기조 연설자들, 그리고 188개국에서 온 8,8000명이 넘는 참여자들이 참석 했다. 그 결과 exclusive UIA2021RIO platform에서 2023년까지 500시간 이상의 콘텐츠를 확인할 수 있다. 

2026 UIA World Congress of Architects Host City  

In a much-anticipated election that saw Barcelona (Spain) and Beijing (China) bid to host the 2026 UIA World Congress of Architects and become the UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture throughout 2026, Barcelona emerged victorious with 147 votes to Beijing's 129. With the motto "One today, one tomorrow", the UIA World Congress in Barcelona will look at the city's relationship with its architecture to discuss a viable and sustainable future. Read more

바르셀로나(스페인)와 베이징(중국)이 2026년 UIA 세계 건축가 총회를 호스트하고 2026년 UNESCO-UIA 세계 건축 수도(World Capital of Architecture)로 등극하는 것을 걸고 진행한 선거에서 147표를 얻은 바르셀로나가 129표를 얻은 베이징을 이겼다. 바르셀로나에서 열리게 되는 UIA 세계 총회는 "One today, one tomorrow"라는 모토와 함께 도시와 건축물의 관계를 살펴보고 실행과 지속이 가능한 미래에 대해 논의할 예정이다. 더 읽기

 What’s next? 

UIA International Forum in Madrid  

UIA Congress in Copenhagen

Join us for the Madrid Forum from 16-19 May 2022 to discuss the theme “Removing barriers to affordable housing”   

Watch the video

The UIA2023CPH, whose theme is“Sustainable futures – leave no one behind” will take place from the 2-6 July 2023. The the General Assembly is scheduled for 6- 9th July.

Watch the video


The International Union of Architects (UIA) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Paris. Established in 1948, it is the only organisation representing architects across the globe working to unify architects, influence public policies on construction and development, and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.



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